Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Birthday Surprises

Posted by MANDI at 8:37 PM
Tomorrow is Hubby's birthday. His 40th birthday. Which means that his present - his pretty darn spectacular present - which has been a huge secret for the past four or so weeks will finally be revealed. FINALLY.

You don't know how hard it has been to keep it a secret. I talk to him about everything. And he's the one person I never, ever, ever keep secrets from. Even when I try to not tell him something I end up spilling it. And I have had to bite my tongue, change words mid-sentence and just walk out of rooms more times than I care to admit this past month. 

Thank goodness a couple of good friends are in on the surprise. They've been my sounding boards as I fleshed out the details. They've shared in my excitement and helped me to pull it all together. And they've been the ones I've run to when I've been about to burst with the hugeness of keeping it all a secret.

And tomorrow I get to tell Hubby all about it. And I can't wait! I can't wait to see his face when I surprise him. I can't wait for how excited he'll be. And I can't wait to not be keeping secrets from him anymore. I'm obviously not made for a life of crime or espionage.

And I'll tell you all about it. Tomorrow.


Melody on April 11, 2012 at 6:51 AM said...

I can't wait for you to share with us!!!

Trish on April 11, 2012 at 3:38 PM said...

Just make sure you don't have any pictures of it on your iPhone that he could accidentally see...

MANDI on April 11, 2012 at 4:27 PM said...

LOL Trish - now you know why I thought yours was hilarious! I could so see that I was going to do the same thing. But I didn't!! I actually managed to pull off the surprise and the look on his face this morning was priceless. Yay!


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