Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Posted by MANDI at 8:43 PM
In case you missed the idea of Gratituesday when I started it a few weeks ago, here's the recap...
Yeah, I totally made that word up. But the idea behind it is something I'm planning to do each week. Working on the 'glass half full' mindset that I'm striving for I'm actively looking for the little things in my life that I'm grateful for, thankful for or otherwise just plain happy about. Of course some of them are big things. Huge even. But the little things tend to get lost in the day-do-day bits of living. My Tuesday posts are going to be short - a photo or two and a few words about whatever I'm feeling grateful for that week. If you want to join in on your blog leave a note in the comments and I'll come check it out. Or, if you're not a blogger, just leave a comment saying what you're grateful for.

So today's Gratituesday post.
Hubby and I took the kids to the movies today. We saw the new Disney movie, Tangled, which is based on the story of Rapunzel. We all loved it (and yes, I cried!) but what I loved most was when my girl climbed onto my lap about thirty minutes into the movie and snuggled in for a cuddle. She stayed there til near the end of the movie when my legs were completely dead and I had no feeling left in my feet and only hopped off after I begged her to go sit on her Daddy's lap for a while. And when we left the movie her little hand found its way into mine and stayed there.And that makes my heart feel good.



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