Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More Visitors

Posted by MANDI at 8:47 PM
Nan and Pop arrive for a flying visit tomorrow. They are up for #2's birthday and are only staying a few days but we're planning to pack lots in. #1 is sooooooo excited, especially since I offered to pick him up from school at lunch-time so he can come to the airport with me. Of course, I demanded absolutely perfect behaviour in the three days leading up to it so it has been a win-win situation LOL.
#1 had his last game of soccer (for the season) on Saturday. I think the team played their best game of the whole season, and it didn't hurt that we won ;) We gave the coaches (who happen to be married to each other) a voucher to one of the local restaurants and are having a team wind-up in a couple of weeks. I have really enjoyed soccer. I've had the opportunity to get to know some of the mums a little better as well as meet some new people and it has also given us something to do as a family on the weekends. Most of all I have loved watching #1 grow, not just as a soccer player (of sorts!) but in confidence and learning some new skills. He has made some new friends and is more likely to wander up and ask kids if he can join in their games than he was just a few months ago. He's a fairly tentative kind of kid so it has been lovely to watch this development. Of course #2 thinks soccer is a hoot. She hollers and claps from the sidelines, all with absolutely no idea what's going on, and generally keeps the spectators entertained. I think she's planning on signing up next year - we'll deal with that when it gets here LOL.


Melody on September 5, 2007 at 6:31 PM said...

My 2 year old turns 3 on Friday. I take it your 1 year old turns into a 2 year old tomorrow? How lovely for the Grandparents to be there to help celebrate... Hope #2 has a wonderful birthday...

Red Dirt Mummy on September 6, 2007 at 10:00 PM said...

Thanks Melody. Wish Monet a happy birthday for us too.

jodi said...


She is soooo cute !!
i love libbys new hair do including fringe !! your back lawn is looking good too!

i will email soon all my new details and talk soon.
take care
Jodi x

Nice pavlova !!

Red Dirt Mummy on September 27, 2007 at 8:09 PM said...

Hi Jodi! Thanks, good luck with the move. xx


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