Monday, January 30, 2012

Woot Woot!

Posted by MANDI at 9:49 PM
I trotted down to see the doctor this afternoon. Again.

He checked on his handiwork from Friday evening's surgery and declared the problem to be fixed. HOORAY!!

I have to take things a little bit easy for the next few days, but that's just to make sure I ease back into top gear rather than trying to jump straight back to levels of crazy activity. I'm allowed back to work tomorrow and my boss has very kindly told me to only do as much as I can and to go home when I need to if I can't cope with a full day. I'd already arranged to work short days most of this week because school goes back on Wednesday so I'm thinking that'll let me get back to speed rather nicely.

And after a week and a bit of drama, drama, drama... I'm pretty darn happy to be easing back into things.


anne@#22 said...

Yay! What a relief! xxx

Anonymous said...

Phew! Glad to hear Mandi... now rest, rest, rest - to go with all that drama, drama. drama! ;-)

Must be catching (the drama that is) as my Oz Day was spent horizontal in the rack (bed) too! Weds evening saw me fronting up to A&E with upper abdomen pains... bloody ouch! Follow up on Thurs for me! Dammit!!!

Cheers ;-)


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