Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So, Did I Tell You...

Posted by MANDI at 8:20 PM
That I'm going to Queensland? Oh yes I am!

After Hubby totally outdid himself with my awesome birthday party he took it to a whole new level with my birthday present - a plane ticket to visit one my BFF's who just happens to live in Queensland. You might remember me talking about the very gorgeous, very lovely and just all round super nice Felicity when we lived up in Red Dirt Central? Her twins are the same age as Offspring #2 and we hit it off straight away. We left Red Dirt Central to come back to Perth and some time later Felicity and her family left to return to Queensland. We've stayed in touch (thank heavens for Facebook which make it so easy to keep up with my friends who are scattered through the country and even the world!) and although I invited her to my party I knew she wasn't going to be able to come.

Hubby to the rescue! As he said, "If Mohamed won't come to the mountain, I'll have to send the mountain to visit Mohamed. Or Felicity." It was one of those completely unexpected, totally out of the blue presents that just blow you away.

So I'm going to Queensland. All by myself. For five days.

And I leave on Thursday.

Oh yeah!


Felicity said...

Yay Yay Yay, see you tomorrow afternoon !!!! Yippee !!! Love Felice xx

Amanda on January 11, 2012 at 6:16 AM said...

Yay for you!! Enjoy :)


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