Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Posted by MANDI at 7:23 PM
A superficial and materialistic post this week. After nearly four-and-a-half years of faithful service my cheap-as-chips home-brand slow-cooker died. Not bad for a $40 buy that I really wasn't sure if I'd like or not. All this time later, and having been used an average of twice a week, it finally gave up the ghost and I rushed right out to buy a new one. We're coming up to winter here in Perth and there's no way I can make it through the cooler weather without a slow-cooker bubbling away in the kitchen.

So I'm now the proud owner of a new slow-cooker. It was still fairly cheap - I did a bit of on-line research yesterday and couldn't really see anything that made any one all that much better than another - and even better, I found another slow-cooker recipe book that I just couldn't live without that was only $12. Bargain! I've just sat down and marked all the recipes I want to try. At the very first going through I've got twelve meals to have a go at. That should make menu planning for the next month or so a bit easier.

What are you grateful, happy or otherwise pleased about this week?


Jennifer said...

Hi Mandi - Love catching yp with what you are up to. I've just bought a cheap as chips slow cooker as well but was very sad when I opened it up that it didn't come with a recipe book. I tried out a recipe that had red wine in it and the family was very quick to give it the big thumbs down. So any successes you have, please post. Jen xx

MANDI on April 30, 2011 at 11:40 AM said...

Hey Jen! There are a couple of slow-cooker recipes on here - I'll do a bit of a slow-cooker post and recipe round-up in the next couple of days just for you. If you see Sally Wise's book 'Slow Cooker' grab it, it's terrific.


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