Monday, February 4, 2008

The Verdict Is In

Posted by MANDI at 4:52 PM
A conversation on the way home from school:
Red Dirt Mummy: So, how was the first day of grade one?
Offspring #1: Well I don't really see the point in going.
RDM: (horrified) What do you mean?
#1: It's not like I learned anything today. All the stuff we did? I already know how to do it. I didn't learn to read or anything.
RDM: But mate, it's only the first day. You've got all year of being in grade one to learn stuff. I don't really think...
#1: We only did three things and none of them were much fun. So I don't think grade one is going to be that good...
RDM: (thinking furiously and trying to salvage the situation/conversation/educational future of her firstborn child!) Umm...well....
#1: (in a sad voice) and I was so incited.
PS: Upon further questioning it seems that he did do drawing, and the teacher read a story, and the new teacher they have is really really nice, and he made a brand new friend, and recess was good fun and... the mummy in this story thinks it's all going to be okay!


Mama on February 5, 2008 at 12:54 PM said...

He may have a point!

Anonymous said...

Bless him...nothing worse than being 'incited' about something only to have it not live up to expectations! I hope you are planning on blogging your school lunch ideas! The girls both loved their first day at school (year 1 and kindy) and love their teachers...mummy loves the peace and quiet!

Red Dirt Mummy on February 5, 2008 at 10:44 PM said...

Thanks for dropping by Mama.

Hi Kaz, glad your girls (and you)loved their days. And yes, the lunch-box ideas will be forthcoming shortly!


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