Not much time today. I was kindy mum this morning and choppped up the fruit for morning tea then helped the kids make crabs out of paper plates and some photocopied legs and eyes that they had painted horrific and garish colours. I ended up with glue everywhere but it was fun and Offspring #1 loved me being there. He kept telling the other kids "That's my Mum" and when I called the name of the kid who I was going to work with next he'd tell them "You need to go to my Mum now, she'll help you." So sweet. Most of the kids were very sweet and we had lovely chats about glueing and painting and crabs and being at the beach BUT a couple are right little monsters. I'll be ever-so-gently steering #1 away from them LOL.
Here is a photo of Red Dirt Central taken from the originally-named Radio Hill - it's the highest point in town where the big dishes are to catch the tv and radio reception. You can see one section of the town, then the mud flats and beyond that the ocean.

Question Of The Day: What is your favourite part of helping out at your child's school/kindy/day-care centre?
It's so flat! We're surrounded by mountains here.
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