Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby

Posted by MANDI at 2:41 PM
Offspring #2 is one today. And she is sick with some sort of gastro bug! Life here is very exciting – open a birthday present, change a nappy, open another present, change another nappy! It’s not quite that bad but it’s not exactly as much fun as a first birthday should be.

We opened presents before Hubby left for work - #2 still doesn’t get the idea of present opening (we had trial runs with her birthday party and then Father's Day!) but the paper is fun to play with. As people asked me for present ideas I put out the call for ‘girly’ stuff – her big brother has bazillions of cars, trucks, racing tracks, etc and she loves them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but I was looking to open up some other avenues. Now she has 6 dolls, lots of pretty dresses, some really cute shoes and a couple of sets of pretty hair clips. Yep we’re getting girly in this house.

We’re having a special birthday dinner tonight. I’m making Chicken Pizzola, which I haven’t made before, and a birthday cake for dessert. I know it’s a bit over the top to have two birthday cakes but she’s got to have one on her birthday (even if she can’t eat any because she’s not feeling well!) and we all know that while a first birthday is all about the child whose birthday it is, but a first birthday celebration is for the rest of the family LOL. I know Offspring #1 will have a great time singing “Happy Birthday” and then blowing out the candle for his sister. And I’ll get to take more photos for scrapbooking! And Hubby will just grin and bear it LOL.
Happy Birthday baby!

Question Of The Day: How did you celebrate first birthdays for your kids?


The Cookbook Junkie on September 7, 2006 at 2:51 AM said...

Happy Birthday #2! I hope you're feeling better now.

We did do a family party for my son but since his birthday is in early January, when snow can pile up at any moment here, it's nerve-wracking to plan any sort of party. I've recently given some thought to starting a tradition of 'half-birthday' parties for him when the weather is nice.

Anonymous said...

Do half birthday parties mean half birthday presents? Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

emerald said...

For my 2nd Birthday, my Mom baked an Angel Food Cake in a miniature cake pan.
My Grandma had baked cakes in it for many years.
For my daughter's 1st Birthday, I baked an Angel Food Cake in it for her.
Then, when my Grandson's 1st Birthday came, I baked him one, also.
I don't know how old the pan is, but it has been used for Birthday cakes for many years.
Red Dirt Mummy, I enjoy your blog very much, and your children are adorable.
My daughter is also a redhead!


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