Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Almost There

Posted by MANDI at 9:44 PM
Oh. My. Gosh.

What a month it has been. I've stepped up to be the acting boss, worked almost full-time (with a few days of seriously long hours), juggled kids, cooking and housework, employed a nanny/babysitter to help out a few afternoons each week and seriously thought I'd manage to blog somewhere in there too. Yeah, you can all stop laughing now.
Thank goodness for my ever-wonderful hubby who has totally stepped up and filled the void.
And thank goodness for our new nanny/babysitter. I feel kinda stupid (and little bit try-hard-y) calling her the nanny but she's more than just a babysitter. The kids already love her and so do I. She keeps then in-line ensuring they do boring stuff like chores and housework (*edited to say... not housework! HOMEwork!! LOL) and also manages to keep them amused doing fun stuff like taking them for walks, playing board games and teaching them how to make microwave chocolate mug cakes for afternoon tea treats. And she brings in my washing. Super bonus! 
The real boss is back next week and I'll be back to my regular hours, regular job and am looking forward to things slowing down just a little. And then I'll have time for all the normal things, like trying out new recipes, blogging and playing with my kids.


Iris Flavia on August 16, 2012 at 3:38 AM said...

So that´s where Mary Poppins went! :-))

Donna said...

I wish there was an end point to my busy, full time load. Oh well, that's what you get when you accept full time over part time.
Looking forward to reading more blog posts.

MANDI on August 16, 2012 at 8:37 PM said...

LOL Iris. I hadn't considered that! Must tell my wee girl, she LOVES Mary Poppins :)

Oh Donna, I can't imagine working full time for real. I have thought of you lots during this month - wish you were closer so we could at least get together on the weekend and moan about how tired we are (or cook a whole bunch of stuff and stock up our freezers!).


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