Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hello Lovelies!

Posted by MANDI at 6:07 PM
Hello there, it's nice to see you all again. Thank you for your extreme patience while I've been absent, yet again, with a sick girl-child. Her asthma flared up again and this time it was very bad. Ten solid nights of asthma attacks, and usually 4 or 5 attacks each night. And she started having them during the day which has never happened before. Our GP has put her back onto just about every treatment she's ever had, all at the same time, and finally she seems to on the mend. She's not quite back to her normal self yet - still tiring quite easily and needing to be handled a little more gently than usual - but I knew she was finally getting better when I told her to use her inside voice yesterday and realised I hadn't done that for two weeks.

Another thing that showed me just how unwell she'd been (as if I didn't know that!) happened on Friday when she jumped on my bathroom scales to see how much she 'cost'. It's a family saying and, when they were little, both kids loved to see that they 'cost' more each time they jumped on (unless they didn't leave enough time between visits!). She looked a the scales and announced, "Well, I don't know how that happened!" When I looked at the display window I realised what she was on about. What used to say 21kg's was reading 19kg's. The poor little poppet had lost two kilograms while she was sick simply through a lack of appetite. But she made up for it today when we were out to lunch - she ate all of her lunch, almost half of her Dad's and then had ice-cream afterwards. I doubt she'll eat anything for dinner but with all that in her I don't think she'll miss it.

We went to a family wedding on Friday morning - a nice drive to the country, a gorgeous sunny day, and a couple very much in love. Here's a pic of the kids, all dressed up and grinning their wee heads off. It was #2's first 'good' day and she lasted till just after midday. Luckily we left not long after and she slept for just over an hour on the way home. Not bad for a kid who flatly refuses to sleep during the day or in the car.


Trish on October 3, 2011 at 7:43 AM said...

Sounds like it's been awful for all of you, you poor things. Nice to have a lovely wedding to go to (I love weddings!). The kids look so adorable!


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