Saturday, June 20, 2009


Posted by MANDI at 7:18 PM
Hubby was working in the yard today when he heard a massive "crrrrr-ACK!" and then the ominous sound of branches falling. He raced past the back door checking that I knew where the kids were as last he'd seen them they'd been playing all over the yard. After assurances that they were safe and sound in their rooms playing he headed down the back to investigate.

A tree that is technically the neighbours but overhangs both yards had had enough of the rain and wind and literally split in half. Half was in the neighbours yard and the other half was draped artistically across the woodshed.

So Hubby did what he loves to do - solve problems - and used used one of his favourite 'toys' to do it - the chainsaw - and cleared away the mess. And, if you look hard, you can see his little buddy was there to lend a hand.



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