Monday, October 20, 2008

Attack Of The Blahs

Posted by MANDI at 8:02 PM
As you might be able to tell from the sporadic posts, I'm having trouble with the blogging side of things. I've got to admit, it's not a new problem. I've been feeling this way pretty much since we headed back to Perth. Blogging filled a pretty big void in my life while we were 'up North' - it let family and friends who were far away in on what was happening in our world, I got to indulge in my hobbies and share the results with friends and strangers and, in some cases, those strangers left lots of lovely comments and we started a conversaton and became friends too.
For the most part, while we were in Red Dirt Central I was at home with at least one very small child. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to playgroup, joined in at story-time at the library, joined the scrapbooking group, took up lots of coffee and play-date invitations and really enjoyed life up there. I also really enjoyed blogging about it all - maybe because it was all so new and different to my 'normal' life.
Since we've been back I feel a bit like a fraud. This is my normal, ordinary life. It's nothing special to me and maybe that's where I'm having trouble finding something interesting to write about. Maybe it really is interesting and I just take if for granted. When I'm feeling generous I remind myself that we have moved house twice in the last few months. After working from home when we first moved - with a few flying trips back up to the Dirt - I changed jobs and Hubby changed jobs when we moved and then changed jobs again. The kids have had to start at a new school and day-care each, make new friends and find new sports/activities to join in. That's a lot of stuff to do in a fairly short amount of time. I realise that it's only natural to be kind of bummed when it all comes to an end and there's nothing more that 'has to be done'. It's all a bit of an anti-climax and has left me at a loose end while waiting for something to happen.
Maybe I need to reassess things? I really do love my blog and I'd be sad to give up on it completely but I don't feel like I'm doing it justice at the moment. I know that I love reading blogs that are updated regularly and I get a bit fed up with the one's that aren't (not pointing any fingers, truly, just saying!). I love posting the recipes we try, though they don't seem to attract many comments, and I don't post for comments but gee they're nice. I like posting stuff about the kids - funny things they say and do, their achievements (and otherwise!) - and while I realise that this is a Mummy blog I don't want it to be all Mummy-ness.
To be honest, blogging feels like a chore at the moment and I hate that. I'm thinking that I'm going to take a couple of weeks off and then come back fresh and with a new lease on life. Or at least blogging. So for now, I'm going to say... see you in November.


Anonymous said...

From a working Nan who doesn't always see her grandies as often as she would like (even though they live only 7 minutes away) and also doesn't read the blog nearly as often as she should, it is still good to catch up with the every day things of a happy family.
Oh yes and I also still check the recipes.

Melody on October 21, 2008 at 6:07 AM said...

Yes, take a break if you have lost the blogging mindset. Normality might have sunk in at the moment but sometimes there are little sparkles in one's normal life that you think, hey I'll blog about that. Sometimes when I blog about something I think people don't want to read about that - but so what? You get what I am saying.

I enjoy reading your blog. Your children are gorgeous and I enjoy seeing what you've been cooking... As you know I like blogging about little places we just visit on any day of the week - even if it means a visit to the park across the road. Something is bound to happen, however minimal that I will blog about, even if no one else cares...

Hope this all makes sense. Bit hard when your daughter and husband are running around the apartment waiting for the 'packer' from the removal company to arrive.... *sigh*

kazari on October 21, 2008 at 10:40 AM said...

I haven't been posting much either lately...
is it a seasonal thing, do you think?
Have a break, if you need it, but please come back : )

And i shall try to post more regularly...

Chantalle said...

I'll miss're still a long way away from me, and while I could get a bit nostalgic seeing pics from Karratha, I'm downright homesick when I see the hills. In a good way. I'm amazed everytime I see pictures of your children, and how quickly they grow up, and I love the way your voice comes through in your blog. I also love to jealously admire your cooking, I work with a very limited repertoir. Don't be gone too long, but don't feel guilty about it.

The Cookbook Junkie on October 21, 2008 at 10:39 PM said...

I'll be waiting for you to come back. I enjoy seeing what's going on in your life, on the other side of the world.

Anne at #3 said...

Now what will I do when I'm stuck for a dinner idea?? I guess I'll have to put on my "crocs" and walk across the road!! I love reading your blog. I always look forward to seeing what you've been up to on screen, even though I practically see you in person every day! I love your writing style! But.... I can understand how life gets in the way of a blog...just look at my poor neglected blog - I haven't posted since mid-September!! I know you'll be back and better than ever (if that's even possible!) XXX Anne

kitchen hand said...

Keep blogging even if less frequently. Do it for yourself and forget about readers. Post about anything you feel like - I seem to have gone all political lately for some reason.

And good luck.

Belongum on October 24, 2008 at 6:28 AM said...

I reckon you're being hard on yourself mate - you Mum's sooooo underate yourselves lol ;-)

I've been all over the shop lately (in the blog world myself) and if anything, I KNOW that my home life and worklife are meant to trump blogging at all times... doesn't stop me feeling just that little bit guilty for not posting regularly though (thank you VERY much hahaha!).

As to you feeling like a fraud - get away with ya! That'll be enough of that type of talk mate - sheesh! Nah - have a break and enjoy yourself... seeya on the flip side Mandy!

Cheers to you and yours... ;-)

Maria said...

BE COMPASIONATE TO YOURSELF - Living life these days is tough, humdrum and sometimes not even worth thinking about. BUT on the flip side it is fun, loving, enjoyable and exciting. You are very tough on yourself like alot of us, because everything needs to be given 110% but live doesn't allow us these days to have that option all the time. Let go, have some time out and enjoy. You are very good at blogging - I often come and read to catch up on things you do. You are very good at being you but just too hard on yourself at times. We unfortunatly can't do all at full steam ahead all the time, some things have to give at times. Have a break - refind your passion and keep going.

Iris Flavia on October 25, 2008 at 3:30 AM said...

Should never be a duty to blog, I agree - and look forward to the day you come back! :-)

Jen_TX on October 27, 2008 at 5:09 AM said...

I have been so guilty of not commenting. I have always enjoyed your blog and seeing the wonderful pics of your kids and where you live. I enjoy reading your recipes but they aren't always easily converted to US measurements! haha It took me a while to figure out what a "rasher" is!

I always think photos are great and you know what they say: A picture is worth a thousand words. So just post some pics....we'll be happy!

I would like to get your new address so I can send a Christmas card. I'm still at the same address. I'm sure your kiddos have long forgotten their "Texas Cousin". I need to send them a new card with new pics. You wouldn't recognize my boys....soon to be 22 and 20. Both moved out and in college. Yikes. That's why I love hearing about your offspring. Email me at mrs_pile @ (without the spaces)

Hope you get to feeling "bloggy" soon but I do understand the need for a break. I've been on a break for a while now and I don't even have a blog! :-) Hugs, JenTX

Sam Marshall on October 27, 2008 at 6:19 PM said...

I love reading your blog and catching up. Take care, seeya when you get back!!!!

NitaAZ on November 20, 2008 at 2:13 PM said...

I have been checking and checking each day to see if you have added to your blog. For some reason my link was stuck on the end of June. I contacted Casey today and she sent me her link. Low and behold here you are with months worth of blogging for me to catch up on. I have been reading for over an hour and still not finished.

Man how those adorable children have grown and how happy they are. I love reading everything about your life so don't be too hard on yourself. My life seems boring to me but to someone else it is exciting or at least interesting.

Enjoy your break, you deserve it. Moving takes a lot out of a person never mind that you are working and taking care of your family at the same time. Looking forward to your return.


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