Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Posted by MANDI at 9:38 PM
Last night Offspring #2 was having a hard time settling down for the night. She went off to bed as usual: she had her bottle, I changed her nappy(diaper!) , she had both dummies (pacifiers!) -one for mouth and the other for her hand. No problems. But 20 minutes later she was crying and needed re-settling. This went on every half hour or so until about 11pm when I was ready to call it a day and give her some baby Panadol - there was obviously something hurting, I just couldn't work out what it was. As I was reaching this decision whatever was bothering her seemed to stop and she settled into a proper sleep and we didn't hear from her again until 6am this morning - horrifically early but wake up time in the house of Red Dirt. Yay, no medicine needed and we all got some decent sleep. Anyway, I was getting her dressed this morning when she gave me her usual big goofy grin. I grinned back and then realised... there was an extra tooth in that smile!!!


JenTX said...

What? No picture?! :-) Those poor little ones. It's so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong. Glad that ol' tooth came through and she is back to smiling. (still wishing for a picture though!)


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