Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Food Shopping With Kids

Posted by MANDI at 11:44 AM
Grrrrrrr! Ever wanted to kill your kids right in the middle of the food shopping? "Clean up aisle 3, small child smeared across the floor." We have Offspring #2's birthday party this weekend so needed to do some shopping for party food and the like. Had arranged to meet a friend for coffee afterwards - she has a little boy the same age as Offspring #1 so this was the bribe to get through the shopping, "be good and we can have morning tea at the shops with small friend". Did it work? Absolutely not! Offspring #1 whinged, grizzled, touched stuff, banged the trolley (with Offspring #2 in it!) ran ahead, lay across the floor and on it went. Meanwhile Offspring #2 was getting tired, even though it wasn't nap-time yet, and she moaned and grizzled, banged her head when big brother bashed the trolley, threw her cracker on the floor and then cried when she couldn't have it back. Between the two of them the whole trip was such a joyous occasion - NOT! It didn't help that I had the slowest check-out lady on the face of the earth. If she had just sped things up a little we could have been out of there so much quicker and put a stop to the carry-on that much sooner. I would like to say that I held to my principles and we skipped morning tea and came straight home but by then I needed a cup of tea and a sit down with another grown-up. Anyway, now we are home and Offspring #2 is fast asleep. Offspring #1 is still annoying me but I'm about to get him some lunch and then he can have a rest on the couch and watch a DVD for a little while. A cup of tea should help the headache (otherwise I'll be raiding the medicine box for some Panadol) and then I'll start thinking about dinner. Hubby is golfing this afternoon - well it is Wednesday! - so I'm thinking something easy that I can prepare early and then just throw in the oven in time to be ready for 6-ish. I'll let you know the results tomorrow.
Question of the day - What is your standby easy recipe?



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