Thursday, November 20, 2008


Posted by MANDI at 10:12 PM
I feel like I might jinx it if I talk about it but...
Offspring #2 has been troubled by asthma for most of this year. Hubby and I took the first few attacks to be croup and did all the croup-y type remedies which helped somewhat but as her attacks grew more severe and more frequent we sought medical advice. We weren't convinced of the diagnosis of asthma, partly because I didn't want my baby to have to suffer so I was just sticking my head in the sand, and partly because the doctors we consulted all seemed far to eager to diagnose asthma without seeing her have an attack or doing any follow up. Before you all rise up in outrage, let me preface by saying that I know there are many many doctors in country areas who are skilled, professional and knowledgeable practitioners. It just seems there weren't too many in Red Dirt Central.
It wasn't until we moved back to The Hills that we felt she was being given some sort of treatment, though we still weren't terribly happy about the quick diagnosis. We followed the doctor's instructions to a tee with preventative and relief medications and followed a wait-and-see pattern for several more months. Meanwhile #2's daycare held an Asthma workshop for staff and parents so I went along to that and was finally convinced that, yes, she had asthma.
The preventative worked for a while but then her attacks became worse - more frequent and more severe. It came to a head when she had quite severe midnight attacks four nights in a row. Luck was on our side and the doctor available to see her is one of the good guys. He listened when we said we were nearly at breaking point, he was lovely to #2 and he printed out reams of information for us while prescribing her a different kind of preventative med. And the big one for us? For the first time since this saga began a doctor told us he wanted to see her ten days later to assess the medication and make changes if necessary.
We had her follow up appointment this morning and Dr G is happy. The new med appears to be working - she's not coughing, we can't hear every breath she takes and most importantly she hasn't had an asthma attack for 9 days. Also, he wants her to stay on the new med for the next couple of months and he'd like to see us again mid-Jan.
Yay for meds that seem to be working. Yay for a doctor who wants to do follow-up. And yay for no middle-of-the-night asthma attacks.
Oh, and later - when I'm moaning about the price of her meds - remind me about this post, okay?


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about your daughter and being diagnosed with asthma. My oldest daughter kept getting sick and the doctors always said it was a cold--then we moved to Alaska and it only got worse. She would have middle of the night attacks too but the hospital was way across the base and by the time we got her there, she was some better. They said it was asthma and put her on meds--which I questioned. They said if the medicine works, it's asthma--didn't make much sense to me but it sure helped her. They even gave us a nebulizer for her because the hospital was so far away. They also said she would outgrow it and she has for the most part--no major attack since she was about 9-she's now 22. She still gets wheezy but no full blown attacks. I hope your little girl does as well. Sheila

Iris Flavia on November 21, 2008 at 3:05 PM said...

I had pain in my ankle, bad pain. They wanted to do all kinds of things, even surgery. I saw 11 (!!!) doctors on it. No #11 said my hip isn´t straight, now once in a while I do some special exercises - and I´m fine!

So glad you found a good doc to help. Sad to hear it´s asthma, but fingers crossed that med is it!

Sam Marshall on November 21, 2008 at 5:22 PM said...

Same with us! I really didn't want it to be asthma, (exercise induced) but since our kiddo got her preventer and a ventolin she has been fine. She's really athletic and it has helped her participate in

Red Dirt Mummy on November 22, 2008 at 9:05 PM said...

Thanks Sheila, that must have been so scary for you. I'm glad to hear the meds worked and that she's mostly grown out of it. You've made me feel better!

That's it exactly, Iris. We're on Dr # 6 or 7. Thanks.

Hi Sam, thanks. It's nice to hear other parents stories, and I'm glad to hear your kiddo is doing so well (I'm guessing it's the big kiddo?)


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