Sunday, April 15, 2007


Posted by MANDI at 10:53 AM
We arranged our mini-holiday to coincide with Hubby's Dad flying in to Port Hedland to do some contract work for a couple of days. We didn't tell the kids - yeah, I know, only #1 would have totally understood - both so it could be a surprise and just in case something happened and it all fell through. Happily, we all made it there and managed to spring a great treat on the kids. #2 seemed to remember Grandpa from 3 or so months ago when we last saw him (although we do have his photo on the fridge and we look at all the family every day on the fridge door) and went to him happily for cuddles and playing. #1's expression was beautiful, he was so happy and so excited to see Grandpa and it was just gorgeous to watch him.

The Offspring with Grandpa - big smiles all round!

Hubby was thrilled to see his Dad too, and it worked out beautifully that it was only a day after Hubby's birthday. I was pretty darn pleased to see him too. For the record Grandpa is a wonderful, generous and loving Dad, Dad-in-law and Grandpa. Added to that of course, a visitor from home is always cause for excitement!

We also caught up with friends who live up in Port Hedland - for regular readers, the same friends who we were concerned about during the recent cyclones. #1's favourite kindy friend from last year now lives up there so the two boys played and played and played and had a wonderful time together. We spent one morning in the pool where kindy friend and his sister and cousin swam like fish while #1 stayed in the shallow end and clung to the edge but they all had a fun time together.

#1 with kindy friend, slowly getting waterlogged.

Offspring #2. She'd just dropped her hat in a puddle and was saying, "Uh ohhhh"

Tomorrow I'll have some pics of the town as well as some of the scenery on the drive back to Red Dirt Central.


writer said...

Look forward to the pics.

JenTX said...

Those are great pics and LOVE the story! It's always sooo good when the little ones aren't afraid of the relatives they don't get to see very often. Love Ben's expression. You can tell he's so excited, he's almost in a daze! Kind of how I feel in a shoe store! LOL


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